XCCX is,
a cryptocurrency blockchain,
purely designed to secure, an on-chain,
distributed ledger, transaction protocol,
.consensus mechanism.
XCCX provides,
a dynamic, automated, intelligent, system,
for transaction validators, to create value
with on-chain Staking incentives.
is a Secure, Hybrid Scrypt/Proof Of Work coin-chain,
with a dynamic market driven value.
BlockChainCoinX encourages Manual management of
Unspent Outputs, to generate a dynamic block subsidy.
This decentralized incentive structure contributes to efficiency and
network security, while continuously pruning chain size and network weight,
Regular and frequent Participation in Manual Compounding and transaction activity,
creates the opportunity for individuals to grow the UTXO set and increase staking weight.
Decentralized Chain Pruning
To be most productive,
regular,human to wallet / UTXO management
and interaction is most efficient.
In Essence
Maximum Value, is entirely up to,
direct manual participation in the
BlockChanCoinX decentralized consensus network.